07/24/13 Metric Selection for Ecosystem Restoration
07/03/13 CEMCAT Software
06/24/13 A Framework for Science-Based Environmental Benefits Assessment
05/01/13 The Use of Reference Ecosystems as a Basis for Assessing Restoration Benefits
03/06/13 The Application of Adaptive Management to Ecosystem Restoration Projects
12/20/12 Currituck Sound Estuary Restoration: A Case Study in Objective Setting
12/20/12 Evaluating Protocols to Quantify the Significance of Aquatic Ecosystems at Regional and National Scales: Proceedings of a Workshop, Cambridge, MA, 20-22 July 2011
08/20/12 Application of Risk Management and Uncertainty Concepts and Methods for Ecosystem Restoration: Principles and Best Practice
08/20/12 An Approach for Developing Regional Environmental Benefits Models
07/05/12 Reference Concepts in Ecosystem Restoration and Environmental Benefits Analysis (EBA): Principles and Practices
05/11/11 Using General Land Office Survey Records in Ecosystem Restoration Planning
03/11/11 Environmental Benefits Analysis of Fish Passage on the Truckee River, Nevada: A Case Study of Multi-Action-Dependent Benefits Quantification
03/11/11 Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Support Ecosystem Restoration Planning
03/11/11 Hydrologic Analyses for Stream Restoration Design
10/05/10 The National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration 2011 - Call for Abstracts
09/01/10 A New Nonmonetary Metric for Indicating Environmental Benefits from Ecosystem Restoration Projects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
08/03/10 CEMCAT Video
07/26/10 Improving Conceptual Model Development: Avoiding Underperformance Due to Project Uncertainties
07/06/10 Metric Development for Environmental Benefits Analysis
04/02/10 CEMCAT: Conceptual Ecological Model Construction Assistance Toolbox
10/15/08 Library of Habitat Models to Evaluate Benefits of Aquatic Restoration Projects on Fishes
09/29/08 How Habitat Equivalency Analysis, A Potential tool for Estimation of Environmental Benefits
09/19/08 A Metric and GIS Tool for Measuring Connectivity Among Habitat Patches Using Least-Cost Distances
09/19/08 Avoiding Spreadsheet Errors
04/05/08 The Application of Conceptual Models to Ecosystem Restoration
03/03/08 Restoration of Delta Streams: A Case History and Conceptual Model