Schedule of Events
Natural Resources Management CoP
02/13/25 -
Volunteer Job Design, Recruitment, Selection Start: 1:00 ET
Other Information: This webinar is the second in series of five volunteer program training sessions. It
will cover strategies to design positions for volunteers, volunteer trends, how to
match your needs with the right volunteers, identifying positions and making sure
needs are being met with selection, Interviews, and reference checks.
02/18/25 -
Volunteer In-Processing and Paperwork Start: 1:00 ET
02/21/25 -
Volunteer Orientation, Training, Supervision/ Incidental Expenses and Reimbursements Start: 12:00 ET
02/24/25 -
Partnerships Photo Contest Start: 2:00 EST
Other Information: On 22 January, the Partnership Advisory Committee announced a new photo
contest for 2025 focused on partnerships and volunteer programs. The goal is to
develop a collection of great photos that capture a sense of partnership,
collaboration, and accomplishment which can be used in various publications,
presentations, websites, social media, etc. This webinar will provide more
information about the contest, as well as tips and things to consider when
submitting your entries. Please join us to learn more about the contest and to
answer any questions.
03/3/25 -
Volunteer Evaluations, Awards, and CWBI Reporting Start: 1:00 ET
03/5/25 -
USACE Invasive Species Strategic Plan & Management Start: 2:00 EDT
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