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E-mails / Memos / News Articles

    December 19, 2012
    Access to Scientific Journals
    Provides on-line access to a large number of environmental/ecosystem-related journals and journal articles. Access includes current and past volumes and is centrally funded as part of the USACE Electronic Library. Requires CAC login.

    See the site for a complete list of journals available. Following is a sample of journal titles available: Arid Ecosystems; Aquatic Botany; Biological Conservation; Ecological Indicators; Ecological Modeling; Environmental Impact Assessment Review; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Fisheries Research; Forest Ecology and Management; Geomorphology; Journal of Hydrology; Ocean & Coastal Management; National Wetlands Newsletter; Fisheries; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society; Ecological Restoration; Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems; Conservation Biology; Fisheries Management and Ecology; Freshwater Biology, Journal of Applied Ecology; Journal of Fish Biology; Journal of the American Water Resources; Restoration Ecology; River Research and Applications; Urban Ecosystems; and Water Resources Planning and Management.

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Updated: July 2024