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Related Sites
  • Environmental Lab - Ecosystem Restoration
  • Restoration Projects
  • GAP Analysis Program (GAP) Land Cover Viewer
    The Gap Analysis Program (GAP) national land cover viewer displays data on the vegetation and land use patterns of the continental United States. It combines land cover data generated for the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis project completed in 2004, the Southeast Regional Gap Analysis Project completed in 2007, the Northwest Regional Gap project, and the updated California Gap project completed in 2009.
  • Institute for Water Resources
  • Planning Community Toolbox
  • Responses to Climate Change
  • Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Coastal Watersheds of the Eastern U. S. 1998 - 2004
  • Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous U.S. 1998 - 2004
  • Urban Waters Federal Partnership

  • Privacy and Security Notice
    Updated: July 2024