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Learning Exchange

FAQ’s for Attendees

    Q. What is a Web Meeting?
    A. Web Meeting is a live, interactive online meeting using CISCO Webex where the presenters and participants are given a meeting URL to access the video part and a teleconference number to access the audio part.

    Q. How do I participate in an NRM Web Meeting?
    A. Please contact the meeting coordinator or the speaker to get the meeting invitation. You will find the detailed information on the meeting URL address and the teleconference number to use.

    Q. Will I need special tools or hardware to attend NRM Web Meeting?
    A. No, what you need is a computer with an internet connection and a telephone.

    Q. This is the first time I participate in NRM Web Meeting. Is there any software that I need to download?
    A. No, CISCO Webex software downloads automatically as you join the meeting. Please login a few minutes early to make sure that you are connected without any problem.

    Q. How do I attend NRM Web Meeting once I receive an email invitation?
    A. The email invitation will list the information about the date and time, audio and online access. To join the meeting, you need to do the following steps:

    1. To access the web meeting page:
      • Click the Web Meeting Address/URL.
      • Fill out your name and email address
      • Click “Join Meeting”
      You will be able to join the meeting as soon as the HOST login.
    2. To access the audio, please do NOT select “Call Me”, but instead click “I Will Call In” and dial the numbers on your phone.

    Q. Is there any web meeting protocol that participants need to follow?
    A. Yes, participants need to mute their phones by pressing the mute button or *6 to reduce background noise during the presentation. To talk, the participants release the mute button or press another *6. Web meeting participants should never put their phones on hold at any time during the meeting because the background music will cause distraction.

    Q. Will I be able to access the presentation slides after the meeting?
    A. Yes, we will post all Web Meeting Archives.

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    Updated: July 2024