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  • Ecosystem Restoration Model Library
    Serve planners and practitioners of ecosystem restoration by consolidating and providing access to information about ecosystem restoration planning models and software.
  • DoD Safe
    DoD SAFE is a web-based tool that provides authenticated DoD CAC users and guests (unauthenticated users) the capability to securely send and receive large files, including files that are too large to be transmitted via email.
  • Ecosystem Restoration Business Line Database - Video Tour of System - 75 (MB) - To run, go to Slideshow  Corps Castle
    Deployment in FY 2011
  • Management Measures Digital Library
    The purpose of this site is to identify and describe examples of selected ecosystem engineering features or management measures and their components. This site is not intended to be a design manual, but rather to provide sufficient information to stimulate plan formulation and assist planners in identifying what's out there and to "visualize" how a management measure or engineering feature may be applicable to their project.
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Planning SMART Guide: Tips, Tools & Techniques
  • Retrospective Evaluation of USACE Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects
    This website presents findings and information from a retrospective investigation of ecosystem restoration projects completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

    Adaptive Management Resources

    Scientific Journals  Corps Castle
    • Access to Scientific Journals
        Provides on-line access to a large number of environmental/ecosystem-related journals and journal articles. Access includes current and past volumes and is centrally funded as part of the USACE Electronic Library. Requires CAC login.

        See the site for a complete list of journals available. Following is a sample of journal titles available: Arid Ecosystems; Aquatic Botany; Biological Conservation; Ecological Indicators; Ecological Modeling; Environmental Impact Assessment Review; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Fisheries Research; Forest Ecology and Management; Geomorphology; Journal of Hydrology; Ocean & Coastal Management; National Wetlands Newsletter; Fisheries; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society; Ecological Restoration; Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems; Conservation Biology; Fisheries Management and Ecology; Freshwater Biology, Journal of Applied Ecology; Journal of Fish Biology; Journal of the American Water Resources; Restoration Ecology; River Research and Applications; Urban Ecosystems; and Water Resources Planning and Management.

    Ecosystem Output Evaluation Basics

    USACE Tools

  • Resources

    Best Management Practices (BMPs)

     Corps Castle Item is restricted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required. Document will open in a new window.

    Privacy and Security Notice
    Updated: July 2024