Hydraulic Losses in River Meanders. Brown, G., Copeland, R., Fischenich, C. (2007). EMRRP-SR-41
Improving Conceptual Model Development: Avoiding Underperformance Due to Project Uncertainties. Casper, A. F., Efroymson, R. A., Davis, S. M., Steyer, G. and Zettle, B. (2010). EMRRP-EBA-05
A New non-Monetary Metric for Indicating Environmental Benefits from COE Ecosystem Restoration Projects. Cole, R. A. (2010). ERDC/EL-TR-10-12
Metric Selection for Ecosystem Restoration. Convertino, M., Baker, K., Lu, C., Vogel, J. T., McKay, K. and Linkov, I. (2013). EMRRP-EBA-19
An Illustrative Case Study of the Application of Uncertainty Concepts and Methods for Ecosystem Restoration. Convertino, M., Suedel, B. C., Linkov, I., Vogel, J., Valverde, J., Fischenich, J. C. (2012). EMRRP-ER-14
Environmental Benefits Analysis of Fish Passage on the Truckee River, Nevada: A Case Study of Multi-action Dependent Benefits Quantification. Conyngham, J., McKay, S. K., Fischenich, J. C., Artho, D. (2011). EMRRP-EBA-06
Sediment Sampling & Analysis for Stream Restoration Analysis. Fischenich, C., Little, C. (2007). EMRRP-SR-39
Vegetation Impacts on Stream Width. Fischenich, C., McComas, D. (2007). EMRRP-SR-40
The Application of Conceptual Models to Ecosystem Restoration. Fischenich, J. C. (2008). EMRRP-EBA-01
Hydrologic Analyses for Stream Restoration Design. Fischenich, J. C. (2011). EMRRP-EBA-08
A Framework for Science-Based Environmental Benefits Assessment. Fischenich, J. C., McKay, S. K., Miller, S. J., Price, D. L., Pruitt, B., Skaggs, L., Suedel, B., Tazik, D. (2013). ERDC/EL TR-13-4
The Application of Adaptive Management to Ecosystem Restoration Projects. Fischenich, J. C., Vogt, C. (2012). EMRRP-EBA-10
Library of Habitat Models to Evaluate Benefits of Aquatic Restoration Projects on Fishes. Killgore, K. J., Hoover, J. J., Murphy, C. E. (2008). EMRRP-ER-10
Restoration of Delta Streams: A Case History and Conceptual Model. Killgore, K. J., Hoover, J. J., Murphy, C. E., Parrish, K. D.; Johnson, D. R., and Myers, K. F. (2008). EMRRP-ER-08
Availability of an ARC GIS Patch Calculator for Analysis of Landscape Patches. Lin, J. P. (2007). EMRRP-EM-07
A Metric and GIS Tool for Measuring Connectivity Among Habitat Patches Using Least-Cost Distances. Lin, J. P. (2008). EMRRP-EBA-02
Ecosystem Restoration Objectives and Metrics. McKay, S. K., Linkov, I., Fischenich, J. C., Miller, S. J., Valverde, L. J. EMRRP-EBA-16
A Framework for Developing Regional Environmental Benefits Models. McKay, S. K., Pruitt, B. A. (2012). EMRRP-EBA-14
Currituck Sound Estuary Restoration: A Case Study in Objective Setting. McKay, S. K., Wilson, C. R., Piatkowski, D. (2012). EMRRP-EBA-17
Reducing Spreadsheet Errors. McKay, S.K (2009). EMRRP-EBA-03
Metric Development for Environmental Benefits Analysis. McKay, S.K., Pruitt B.A., Harberg M., Covich A.P., Kenney M.A., and Fischenich, J.C. (2010). EMRRP-EBA-04
Comparison of Results from the EDYS and EDYS-L Ecological Simulation Models as Applied to Vegetation and Hydrological Dynamics on the Honey Creek Watershed, Texas. McLendon, T., Coldren, C., and Price, D. (2009). ERDC TN-SWWRP-09-7
Stability Thresholds and Performance Standards for Flexible Lining Materials in Channel and Slope Restoration Applications. Miller, S. J., Fischenich, J. C., Thornton, C. J. (2012). EMRRP-EBA-13
Reference Concepts in Ecosystem Restoration and EBA: Principles and Practices. Miller, S. J., Pruitt, B. A., Theiling, C. H., Fischenich, J. C., Komlos, S. B., (2012). EMRRP-EBA-12
Using the General Land Office Survey Records in Ecosystem Restoration Planning. Perkins, M., Klimas, C., Dunbar, J., Foti, T., and Pagan, J. (2011). EMRRP-EBA-09
The Use of Reference Ecosystems as a Basis for Assessing Restoration Benefits. Pruitt, B. A., Miller, S. J., Theiling, C. H., Fischenich, J. C. (2013). EMRRP-EBA-11
Habitat Equivalency Analysis: A potential Tool for Estimating Environmrntal Benefits. Ray, G. L. (2008). EMRRP-EI-02
Application of HEA to USACE Projects. Ray, G. L. (2009). EMRRP-EI-04
Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Support Ecosystem Restoration Planning. Suedel, B. C., Burks-Copes, K., Kim, J., McKay, S. K. (2011). EMRRP-EBA-07
Application of Risk Management Concepts and Methods for Ecosystem Restoration: Principles and Best Practice. Suedel, B. C., Valverde, L. J., Vogel, J., Linkov, I., Fischenich, J. C., Bridges, T., Plumley, M. (2012). EMRRP-EBA-15
Ecological Modeling Guide for Ecosystem Restoration and Management. Swannack, T. M., Fischenich, J. C., Tazik, D. J. (2012). ERDC/EL TR-12-18
Evaluating Protocols to Quantify the Significance of Aquatic Ecosystems at Regional and National Scales: Proceedings of a Workshop, Cambridge, MA, 20-22 July 201. Tazik, D. J. (2012). EMRRP-EBA-18