Objectives and Metrics
Given the multitude of ecosystem functions, goods, and services, it is no surprise that ecosystem restoration projects often have multiple objectives. Restoration planners require quantifiable means to trade-off diverse objectives and transparently make decisions. Metrics are measureable system properties that quantify the degree of achieving objectives. Depending on the objective set, multiple metrics of ecosystem structure, function, goods and/or services may be required to assess the benefits of a particular restoration project. Four primary topics related to metrics are: (1) setting complete and clear objectives, (2) developing metrics corresponding to objectives, (3) comparing and combining metrics to facilitate decision making, and (4) developing programmatic metrics applicable at regional scales.
Related Resources
Foundation Reading
Other Suggested Reading
- Cole, R. A. (2010). ERDC/EL-TR-10-12: A New non-Monetary Metric for Indicating Environmental Benefits from COE Ecosystem Restoration Projects
- Convertino, M., Baker, K., Lu, C., Vogel, J. T., McKay, K. and Linkov, I. (2013). EMRRP-EBA-19: Metric Selection for Ecosystem Restoration
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