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    CEMCAT 7 Steps to Build a Conceptual Model

      In the software, model development assistance will be provided as a series of checklists, with each checklist containing a set of tasks related to one of the following steps.

      Step 1



    • State the model objectives
      Consider the project goals, interests of stakeholders and partners, and broader impacts.
    • Step 2



    • Bound the system of interest
      Identify the scope, and recognize the limits of the Corps’ involvement and stakeholders’ involvement.
    • Step 3



    • Identify critical model components within the system of interest
      Identify physical features, biological components impacted by the project, anthropogenic inputs, and key natural or human induced processes.
    • Step 4



    • Articulate the relationships among the components of interest
      Identify stressors and drivers and system response.
    • Step 5



    • Represent the conceptual model
      Consider the audience and choose the appropriate visual display. Insert narrative descriptions of components and processes, and include references.
    • Step 6



    • Describe the expected pattern of model behavior
      Document what might happen under different scenarios. Look for similar projects and lessons learned. Identify changes that might occur without project involvement. Consider possible management strategies.
    • Step 7



    • Test, review, and revise as needed.
      Consider: Does sufficient data exist? Are there critical environmental thresholds to consider? Is there adequate documentation and justification? Consider similar projects and make revisions if something was missed.
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    Updated: July 2024