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    CEMCAT: Conceptual Ecological Model Construction Assistance Toolbox

      BACKGROUND: Conceptual models are a key component of ecosystem restoration projects and should be developed for each Corps project. These models provide a valuable foundation throughout the planning process as a means of identifying key system elements and interactions, describing problems and possible solutions, communicating concepts to stakeholders, and evaluating if and how project goals are being realized.

    • Download and Instructions
    • Conceptual Model - What and Why do I Need?
    • Quick Tips
    • 7 Steps to Build a Conceptual Model
    • Literature
    • Videos

      We are very interested in hearing feedback from our users in terms on the design of the program, improvements which would be useful, and any “bugs” or software issues which arise. Please contact Soupy or Craig with your comments and/or suggestions.

      Points of Contact

    • Soupy Dalyander
    • Craig Fischenich

    Privacy and Security Notice
    Updated: July 2024